STEM stands for:

cience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
STEM Graphic


Our STEM kits come with at least one book and a related activity which combines reading, science, problem solving, and FUN! 
Available for preschoolers, pre-k through 2nd grade, and reading level 5th grade and up.  Kits can be checked out for 3 weeks and can be renewed twice.  Kits are kept in our youth area, above the 600 non-fiction section.

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Click on the link to request each of these kits in our catalog!

Band in the Box 1
Band in the Box 2
Blocks and Blueprints
Code and Learn Ladybug
Goldilocks & the Three Bears
Johnny Appleseed
Little Red Riding Hood
Math Patterns and Tactile Kit
Motion Discovery Tubes
Science Station Motion
Simple Machines Inclined Plane
Simple Machines Lever
Simple Machines Pulley
Simple Machines Screw
Simple Machines Wedge
Simple Machines Wheel & Axel
Stop Motion Camera
Survive the Quake
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
The Three Little Pig